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225.  Unified CNNs and transformers underlying learning mechanism reveals multi-head attention modus vivendi

         E Koresh, R D. Gross, Y Meir, Y Tzach, T Halevi and I Kanter


224.  Advanced deep architecture pruning using single filter performance

         Y Tzach, Y Meir, R D. Gross, O Tevet, E Koresh and I Kanter

223. Multilabel classification outperforms detection-based technique

         R Gross, E Koresh, T Halevi, S Hodassman, Y Meir, Y Tzach and I Kanter

         Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 658C, Article number 130295(2025).​​


222. Role of delay in brain dynamics

         Y Meir, O Tevet, Y Tzach, S Hodassman and I Kanter

         Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 654, Article number 130166(2024)

221. Scaling in Deep and Shallow Learning Architectures

         E Koresh, T Halevi, Y Meir, D Dilmoney, T Dror, R Gross, O Tevet, S Hodassman and I Kanter

         Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 

220. Advanced Confidence Methods in Deep Learning

         Y Meir, O Tevet, E Koresh, Y Tzach, and I Kanter

         Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 641, Article number 129758(2024)

219. Towards a universal mechanism for successful deep learning

          Y Meir, Y Tzach, S Hodassman, O Tevet, and I Kanter

          Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 5881 (2024) 

 218.  Hebbian dreaming for small datasets

          E. Agliari, F. Alemanno, M. Aquaro, A. Barra, F. Durante and I. Kanter

          ​Neural Networks, Volume 173, Article number 106174 (2024)

217. Statistical mechanics of learning via reverberation in bidirectional associative memories

          M. Salomone Centonze, I. Kanter  and A. Barra

          Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 637, Article number 129512 (2024)

216. Efficient shallow learning mechanism as an alternative to deep learning

          O. Tevet, R.D. Gross , S. Hodassman , T. Rogachevsky, Y. Tzach , Y. Meir and I. Kanter 

          Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 635, Article number 129513 (2024)


215. Neuronal plasticity features are independent of neuronal holding membrane potential

          R. Vardi, Y. Tugendhaft and I Kanter

          Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 632, Part 1, Article number 129351

214.  The mechanism underlying successful deep learning

         Y Tzach, Y Meir, O Tevet, R. D. Gross, S Hodassman, R Vardi and I Kanter

213.  Enhancing the accuracies by performing pooling decisions adjacent to the output layer

         Y Meir, Y Tzach, R. D. Gross, O Tevet, R Vardi and I Kanter

212.  Efficient shallow learning as an alternative to deep learning

         Y Meir, O Tevet, Y Tzach, S Hodassman, R D. Gross, I Kanter

         Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 5423(2023)

211.  Learning on tree architectures outperforms a convolutional feedforward network

         Y Meir, I Ben-Noam, Y Tzach, S Hodassman, I Kanter

          Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 962 (2023)

210.  Supervised Hebbian Learning

         F Alemanno, M Aquaro, I Kanter, A Barra, E Agliari

        EPL (Europhysics Letters), Volume 141, Number 1 (2023)


209.   Recurrent neural networks that generalize from examples and optimize by dreaming

          M Aquaro, F Alemanno, I Kanter, F Durante, E Agliari, A Barra

208.    Efficient dendritic learning as an alternative to synaptic plasticity hypothesis

           S Hodassman, R Vardi , Y Tugendhaft, A Goldental and I Kanter

           Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 6571 (2022)

207.    Brain inspired neuronal silencing mechanism to enable reliable sequence identification

           S. Hodassman, Y. Meir, K. Kisos, I. Ben-Noam, Y. Tugendhaft, A. Goldental, R. Vardi and I. Kanter

           Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 16003 (2022)

206.    Long anisotropic absolute refractory periods with rapid rise times to reliable responsiveness

           S. Sardi, R. Vardi, Y. Tugendhaft, A. Sheinin, A. Goldental and I. Kanter

           Phys. Rev. E (Physical Review E), Volume 105, Number 014401 (2022)



R. Vardi, Y. Tugendhaft, S. Sardi and I. Kanter EPL (Europhysics Letters), Volume 134, Number 6 (2021)



Y. Meir, S. Sardi, S. Hodassman, K. Kisos, I. Ben-Noam, A. Goldental and I. Kanter 

Scientific Reports volume 10, Article number: 19628 (2020)


A. Goldental and I. Kanter

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53 (41), 414001 (2020)


S. Sardi, R. Vardi, Y. Meir, Y. Tugendhaft, S. Hodassman, A. Goldental and I. Kanter

Scientific Reports, Volume 10, Number 6923 (2020)

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S. Sardi, H. Uzan, S. Otmazgin, Y. Aviad, M. Rosenbluh and I. Kanter

EPL (Europhysics Letters), Volume 127, Number 6 (2019)


H. Uzan, S. Sardi, A. Goldental, R. Vardi and I. Kanter

Scientific Reports ,volume 9, Article number: 11558 (2019) 


S. Kreinberg, X. Porte, D. Schicke, B. Lingnau, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, I. Kanter, K. Lüdge and S. Reitzenstein

Nature Communications, volume 10, Article number: 1539 (2019)


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H. Uzan, S. Sardi1, A. Goldental, R. Vardi and I. Kanter 

Scientific Reports 8, 13901. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-31523-1 (2018)



I. Halawa, A. Goldental, Y. Shirota, I. Kanter and W. Paulus

Front. Neurosci. 12:358. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00358 (2018)


​S. Sardi, R. Vardi, A. Goldental, Y. Tugendhaft, H. Uzan and I. Kanter

ACS Chem. Neurosci., Article ASAP doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00204 (2018)


​S. Sardi, R. Vardi, A. Goldental, A. Sheinin, H. Uzan and I. Kanter

Scientific Reports 8, 5100. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-23471-7 (2018)

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S. Sardi, R. Vardi, A. Sheinin, A. Goldental and I. Kanter

Scientific Reports 7, 18036. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18363-1 (2017)


I. Halawa, A. Goldental, Y. Shirota, I. Kanter and W. Paulus

Clinical Neurophysiology 128, e178–e303. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2017.07.311 (2017)


A. Goldental, H. Uzan, S. Sardi, and I. Kanter

Scientific Reports 7, 2700. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02814-w (2017)


R. Vardi, A. Goldental, A. Sheinin, S. Sardi and I. Kanter

EPL 118 46002. doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/118/46002 (2017)

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Physics Department

Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center

Bar-Ilan University

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