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About Me

I am experienced in models of disorder magnetic systems, physical random number generators, theory of neural networks and synchronization among neurons and lasers, documented in more than 180 publications in refereed journals.

My results on the behavior of models of networks led me to also include biological experiments. I made a very unusual transition from theoretical physics and opened my own wet-lab as a Full Prof. in 2012. I followed the teaching of my supervisor during my postdoc at Princeton University, a Nobel laureate, Prof. Phil Anderson - follow your dreams.

Within a short period of time, I set up the laboratory, where together with my excellent students, both from Physics and Brain Science, we are manipulating culture tissues using both extra- and intra- cellular stimulations and recordings. I am convinced, I do not only confirm my theoretical predictions, but also reveal new and unexpected research directions and results.



Academic Positions

1996- Professor, Bar-Ilan University​


Princeton University

Postdoctorate trainings

Supervisor: Prof. Phil Anderson

1991-1996 Associate Professor, Bar-Ilan University

1989-1991 Senior Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University

1989 Visiting Research Fellow, Bell Laboratories


Bar-Ilan University

Ph.D. in Physics

Supervisor: Prof. H. Sompolinsky


Bar-Ilan University

B.Sc. Physics and Computer Science

Summa Cum Laude

1988-1989 Visiting Research Fellow, Princeton University with Prof. Phil Anderson

Physics Department

Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center

Bar-Ilan University

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