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New scaling law demonstrates how AI copes with changing categories
How can AI cope with changing categories?
Bar-Ilan physicists engineer AI to increase confidence in autonomous vehicles
Bar-Ilan physicists engineer AI to increase confidence in autonomous vehicles
Scientists show how shallow learning mechanism used by the brain can compete with deep learning
Outsmarting AI: Brain’s Wide, Shallow Learning Redefines Efficiency
How Can the Human Brain Compete With Artificial Intelligence?
Wissenschaftler zeigen, wie der vom Gehirn genutzte flache Lernmechanismus mit tiefem Lernen konkurrieren kann
Is brain learning weaker than artificial Intelligence?
Building a New Type of Efficient Artificial Intelligence Inspired
Unreliable neurons improve brain functionalities
Unreliable neurons improve brain functionalities
Unreliable neurons improve brain functionalities
Unreliable neurons improve brain functionalities
Unreliable neurons improve brain functionalities
Unreliable neurons improve brain functionalities
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